Liberal Arts
Solano Community College

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Fine and Applied Arts


学生可以从两个艺术项目中选择-二维或三维. 这些课程旨在培养学生在各种艺术媒体中的视觉技能.

AA Degree
• Art—Two Dimensional
• Art—Three Dimensional

Art History

该课程提供学术和实践经验,为学生的职业生涯做好准备, or further education at a four-year institution, in art history and related fields.

AA Degree
• Art History

Art History for Transfer

艺术史转学副学士提供学术和实践经验,为学生在艺术史领域的职业生涯做好准备, 或者转到科罗拉多州立大学系统完成艺术史学士学位

AA-T Degree
• Art History for Transfer

Art - Graphic Design & Illustration

本课程为学生提供足够的学术和实践经验,以进入就业市场作为一个平面艺术家, or for study towards the B.A. in college or professional school.

AA Degree
• Graphic Design & Illustration

Art - Studio Arts for Transfer

该课程提供学术和实践经验,为学生的职业生涯做好准备, or further education at a four-year institution, in studio art. 该课程旨在培养学生在各种艺术媒体中的视觉技能.

AA-T Degree
• Studio Arts for Transfer

Film and Television


AA Degree
• Film and Television


学生可以从三个音乐课程中选择:器乐、理论作曲或声乐. 音乐专业的学生每学期都要参加专业课程或私人指导.

AA Degree
• Instrumental
• Theory-Composition
• Vocal

Photography, Professional

专业摄影的职前培训旨在为学生在私营和公共部门的自营职业和就业做好准备,涵盖了广泛的摄影领域, e.g., advertising illustration, industrial, portraiture, medical, commercial, photojournalism, and landscape.

Gainful Employment Information: Photography, Professional

AA Degree Certificate
• Photography, Professional
• Photography, Professional

Theatre Arts

该课程旨在为希望进入娱乐行业的学生提供戏剧艺术的基础. Students may choose from two emphasis areas — Acting and Technical.

AA Degree
• Acting Emphasis
• Technical Emphasis

Theatre Arts for Transfer

戏剧教授实用技能、表演技巧和创造力. 该部门的目标是为学生提供攻读大学学位或从事表演艺术职业所需的工具. In terms of university degrees, 索拉诺学院所有核心戏剧课程的课程设计与加州大学和科罗拉多州立大学系统提供的课程相同. 戏剧转学副学士提供学术和实践经验,为学生在戏剧行业的职业生涯做好准备, 或者转到科罗拉多州立大学系统完成戏剧学士学位.

AA-T Degree
• Acting Emphasis
• Technical Emphasis



This program teaches writing, critical thinking, reading, and research skills as they apply to the areas of composition, creative writing, and the analysis of literature, the latter of which is presented through genre, survey, figure, and thematic courses.

AA Degree
• English

English for Transfer

转学英语副学士学位(AA-T)适用于打算在科罗拉多州立大学完成英语学士学位的学生. 学生将学习英语以及英语专业所需的相关领域的课程. This program teaches writing, critical thinking, reading, and research skills as they apply to the areas of composition, creative writing, and the analysis of literature. 在创意写作课程的工作是在顺序写作研讨会和课程文学出版提出. 文学课程主要通过体裁探讨英国和美国作家, survey, figure, and thematic courses.

AA-T Degree
• English

English As A Second Language

The ESL courses emphasize study in English of reading, writing, speaking, and listening for non-native speakers. 该课程包括上述领域的练习,以及词汇习得和语法工作,目的是建立流利的英语,并使学生进入主流大学课程.

Foreign Languages, General

This program introduces the fundamentals of language learning (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture) with emphasis on language production, grammar, syntax, vocabulary acquisition, and exposure to the culture. This program provides study in more than one language.

AA Degree
• French, German, Spanish, Latin

Foreign Languages, Individual

This program introduces the fundamentals of language learning (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture) with emphasis on language production, grammar, syntax, vocabulary acquisition, and exposure to the culture. This program requires study be accomplished in one language only.

AA Degree
• French, German, Spanish, Latin


新闻学教授批判性思维和沟通技巧,使学生能够准确、负责任地翻译重要事件和问题. Student who may benefit from the major are those anticipating careers in newspapers; television or film; photojournalism; layout, computer graphics or graphic design; advertising or public relations; or media management.

AA Degree
• Journalism

Journalism for Transfer

新闻学教授批判性思维和沟通技巧,使学生能够翻译重要的事件和问题 accurately and responsibly. 那些希望在报纸、电视等行业工作的学生可能会从这个专业中受益 or film, photojournalism, layout, computer graphics or graphic design, advertising or public relations, or media management.

AA-T Degree
• Journalism


哲学课程包括一门综合调查课程,辅以批判性思维的特殊课程, ethics, political philosophy, and religion. All constitute a basic and well-rounded introduction to philosophy. Each course presumes no prior study of philosophy.


这是一门大学水平的阅读课程,旨在提高学生理解推理阅读文章的能力. Emphasis is on the development of critical reading skills, 包括理解作者观点和进行文本分析的能力. In addition, 学生应通过分析各种散文结构,培养对大学水平阅读材料进行成功评论的能力.

American Sign Language

关于这个国家聋人文化和语言的入门课程. 本课程包括掌握手指拼写技巧和掌握美国手语的基本功能词汇. In addition to fluency in these two separate skills, 学生将掌握美国手语语法和非语言方面的基本知识, a history of the deaf in the country and deaf education, variations in Manual Communication, and the Culture of the Deaf. There will be both written and signed examinations, a research project, homework assignments, 并通过个别考试来证明表达性和接受性美国手语的能力. 学生将被要求掌握大约500个单词(符号)的词汇量,并熟练使用手指拼写.

Communications Studies

本课程是一个基础广泛的课程,涉及人际信息的准备和传递, public and mediated situations. 本课程的重点是了解沟通过程和提高沟通技巧. 该计划为学生在各种职业可能性中追求专业目标做好准备,包括社区大学教师, Speech Writer, Communications Consultant, Lawyer, Minister, Personnel Director, Television Director or Producer, Broadcast Journalist, Public Relations, Political Campaign Aide, Sales, Counselor.

AA Degree
• Communications Studies